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Join -- We welcome you to be part of the Farm

The membership year is from January 1st to December 31st.  Each membership carries one vote and the eligibility to hold one seat on the Board of Directors. Benefits include:

  • Periodic newsletter, The Dudley Farm Journal
  • Free admission to the park on the first Saturday of each month.
  • Participation with Dudley Farm staff in the promotion, preservation, and maintenance of Dudley Farm
  • 10% off on merchandise at the Commissary gift shop
  • Educational programs on history, genealogy, gardening, etc.
  • Trips to surrounding historical parks

We are a fun and valuable partner to the park and we welcome your participation.

Please Note: Family membership includes husband/wife or partners living in the same house.

Corporate Members received the following additional benefits:

  • One free ad (business card) in The Dudley Farm Journal
  • The business description and owner's background and other information to help other members to know them and what brings them to Dudley. This advertises the business so other members can be aware of their support and potentially use their services. This article will be included in The Dudley Farm Journal following the Corporate member’s sign-up.

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